Six of the 20 brands examined achieve 81% of the traffic in this category (location: Germany).
The most popular website alone has a share of 1/3 of the total traffic, of which 35% is on mobile devices. The most important traffic source for this website is organic search, with up to 55% of all traffic generated. The organic visibility in search engines is accordingly high – 22% based on the visibility values of the category – and is continuously monitored and expanded by the brand in question.
However, with organic search, the ‘leading role’ only relates to absolute values – with traffic mix, a different brand benefits from organic search on a percentage basis, and dominates the organic search results with 26% of the visibility achieved in the category.
4 of the 20 brands forego the target group approach on Facebook. The number of fans of the remaining brands varies from fewer than 500 up to several hundred thousand. Similarly, the way each brand engages and reaches users also varies widely.