Of all 33 brands in the category, the top brand achieves 74% of the traffic (location: Germany). The most important traffic sources are direct traffic and organic search. The share of mobile traffic for this brand is very high at 83% (average in this category: 42%). Even if you take into account the high bounce rate of this brand’s mobile visitors at 81%, there are more net users, or even mobile users alone, than the three next-biggest brand’s gross numbers for mobile and desktop.
The traffic in this category is fairly constant over the months, so there are no pronounced peaks at Christmas or the International Radio Exhibition.
15% of the brands do not have a web presence suitable for mobile devices. Social media is also not used as a performance channel in this category; the users reached (46% of the category’s Facebook posts are sponsored, thus coverage is achieved by budget) remain largely on the relevant platform; only about 1% of the category’s traffic comes from the social media channel.